Thursday, November 27

Catalyst 2: Over-committed? Create Spiritual Momentum

Add Valu

No Joke, this tag was on a car on the way to the Catalyst conference in Granger Indiana. I saw this and told the guys right there this is my besetting sin, trying to bring value I over-commit and fall short of the grace that has already given, and miss the opportunity to really grow as I invest in Him.  Craig Groeschel nailed it in the conference.  The notes below flow mostly from his thoughts in that time.

Less is More  Energy is the most important thing you can bring as a Leader. Go slow to get there fast.  Working outside of our of our giftedness takes more energy.   I have to run my race, not race against others.  Don't be like a swimmer who kicks off the wall.  Build a ministry on who YOU are, not against those you are not. 

Creating Spiritual Momentum

"I will DO TODAY what i can to TO ENABLE ME TO DO TOMMOROW what i CAN'T DO TODAY." 

Sharpening the saw, guarding the heart, repentance that brings refreshing.  Four things to do TODAY:

  1. Do something to defeat the dark side (competitiveness, weakness, pride, ask how I can do better?  My strength is made perfect in weakness)
  2. Create Artificial deadlines (80/20).  They force you to prioritize (make faster decisions), intentionally delegate, eliminate (disregard unimportant activities). Work on it, not in it.   Batch phone messages, create a culture of fun.
  3. Delegate what someone else can do, authority not just responsibility.  Delegating responsibilities makes followers.  Delegating authority makes leaders.  Authority+Think+coach  = leader
  4. Do something only YOU can do (more preparation spiritually):
    1. CARE for yourself.  Refreshing activities (that you love to do) taking time off, spending time with God, eating right and exercising. 
    2. LEAD your responsibilities (ministry, family, job responsibilities).
    3. Privately HONOR's Christ in you (burden of your heart)
    4. HUSBAND/DADDY to your wife and kids. 

It was Craig's last point that hit home, his daughter describing how work became "Dad's home."  He thought he was not good enough, tried to prove he was.  Now he needs to repent and de-commit.  Reminds me of the license plate that read "ADD VALU".  Men are programmed this there jobs to constantly measure their performance. "The way I was doing the work of God was destroying the God in me."  Christ in you, the hope of Glory. 

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