Thursday, November 13

the Next to me place

Revelation from a Son: (Into the sky, by Jason Upton)

The best song I've heard all year. My favorite parts are the description from Jason of how the song writing event unfolded with his son. Its worth listening to a couple times.

Jason describes how He throws his son up, but its the falling back into his daddy's arms, being next to him that really constitutes the joy and the power of the relationship.

Made me think about the most precious times with God is not when everything is going well and I am lifted up, but when I needed a comforter, a redeemer, and a provider....a Dad, and He was there, next to me. Maybe there is more that I still don't get, if so, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Brad, thanks for sharing. That is a great song, and even greater story about where it came from.

