Wednesday, November 12

my Daily Appointment

HABIT: In our men's group we are going through a book by Bill Perkins (Six battles every man must win).  One is the battle Over pain, and how so many men get caught in the vortex of temptation.  A critical step in the downward spiral is a point where we pathologically seek situations where we are tempted. 

Why not do just the opposite...habitually put ourselves in a position where God can speak to us?  (Darrell convinced me that the word RITUAL might sound scary).  Today I found an article here that reminded me of the conversation.  Now this guy (Scott the nametag guy) may not be talking about Christianity, but I think he has found a way to connect.  Make an appointment with yourself every day.

The idea was expressed in a recent conference "Slow down so that you can go fast".  In this frenetically-multitasking world where  we constantly react to electronics, a little time alone with God can be a very good thing. I've been doing something like this for a while, and when I miss a morning with God, it makes a huge difference. Scott (the nametag guy) writes:

"I became addicted. I never missed a day. Even on the weekends. And no matter how busy, tired or stressed I was; there was nothing more critical to achieving daily success than my Daily Appointment."

Do you take time to slow down, he cares for you 1Peter 5:7.


  1. Thanks for the link love!

    Heb 13:2

    Maybe I AM talking about Christianity :)

  2. Hi Scott,

    Took me a while to "get" your comment. The passage about entertaining strangers fits with your mantra about approachability (Christians might call that hospitality). Helps me understand why I was drawn to your complete lack of fear, in fact a sort of reverance for life.

    Those serendipidous moments can be special. Why is it we tell someone on the plane so much about our personal life that we wouldn't tell a co-worker or someone else we meet along the way?

    When we serve (as Abraham did) from a prepared heart, we can reap the kind of visitation you allude to, though I have to believe God has really been there all along.

    Thanks again for stopping to say hi. My name is Brad.:)

  3. Samuel Goldwyn - "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
