Saturday, July 5

Community: The release of our the Spirit in our heart

I found some hope earlier this week in the thought that only a (Matt 7:13)....not as a barrier, but as a way of community. God's heart about community seemed worth a few more notes from "Waking the Dead", by John Eldredge. Most of the notes from the book are not ways to achieve salvation, but to fully experience the freedom and purpose to which we are called.

How would you live differently?

How would you live differently if you believed your heart was the treasure of the kingdom? ...Something stronger than fate has chosen you. Evil will hunt you. And so a fellowship must protect you. ...Together we train for battle. Together we plan our path. What makes this community so powerful ? You help me remember my story, my role and where I am. I don't have to carry the burden of remembering alone. "All the believers were one in heart..." ()

Sitting for a sermon will never expose me, that's why most folks prefer it, but a community will. Do we keep our meetings short, our conversations superficial...a comfortable, anonymous distance? Our we an army that keeps meeting for "briefings", but never breaks into platoons and goes to war?

four streams

The "four streams" that lead to the full release of the Spirit (Rom 7:4-6).

    1. Discipleship: Walking with God, both in wisdom and revelation
    2. Counseling: Asking God, asking friends of God
    3. Healing: Restoration, being forgiven, forgiving others...forgiving ourselves,
    4. Warfare: Setting captives free

"Be kind, for everyone you know is facing a great battle." (Philo of Alexandria)

WOW, the missing keys in most relationships and community:

    • First you know the heart is good.
    • Second, we know we are at war.

Finally, community is NOT a substitute for God.

Only He can validate me, appreciate me, fill the aching void in my heart. We go first to God, alone so that we have something to bring back to the community.

1 comment:

  1. If it is so essential, why is it so hard for people to make the commitment?
