Monday, May 5

Trip to Durham and the Big Story

In April we traveled to North Carolina, a trip that exceeded expectations.

I am so grateful that our children could meet and experience family on the farm, and an unconditional love that became the theme of the trip. We stumbled into a place called Chimney Rock NC, and you could see for miles and mile in every direction....a picture of God's supremacy and majesty. From Chapel Hill, we left and spent the day with Sherri's parents and Grandfather, who was about to celebrate his 90th birthday. It was good to pass along some love to him from God, to listen to his stories and become part of his story as we heard in a book by John Eldridge (EPIC). It describes how we are all invited to be part of God's story, one that existed before us and will endure after us. I was glad for the children to see they were part of a larger story.

God goes Fishing: Unconditional Love
After spending some time with the grandparents on the back porch, Dave and Sean each caught three fish with the help of their uncle Evan. Evan brought timeless fishing tips, rigged the gear, bought minnows and dug worms with Pop. it all began to sink in how much I had lost over the years in terms of relationships and unconditional love. On our trip back we listened to a talk by Brennan Manning (Author of "Abbas' Child"), focusing on the crazy farmer who paid his workers not according to the hours they worked, but according to his greatness, and again how our love for others is connected to the love we receive from God. I felt more and more convicted to show that Love to my children.

Not under Law, but Under Grace (Romans 12): Our most dramatic moments
Once in Winston the girl's cousin Emily shared her own story about college, her family and an upcoming mission trip. Someone asked her "Are you satisfied with your walk with God?". With radiant grace and a huge smile, Emily answered, "I don't know if anyone is ever satisfied with God" and continued to tell her story about how God had shown her a love she didn't deserve, and incredible as it seems, wants us to have that same love for others, even the guy in the car ahead of us, or the lady in the checkout line. It an amazing conversation, as we all listening with smiles as Emily described God's loving character and treatment of us, and how we are drawn into him. As we left the restaurant, Emily gave us a beautiful painting she had made in a time of her own difficulty...a small girl looking to a big blue sky with arms held up,,, the caption read "You are not under law, but under grace" Romans 12 . It was a beautiful and precious moment, presented by people across many states that had been praying literally for months.

We paused to see the Biltmore House in Asheville NC on the way back, and realized the almost limitless resources of a king. It helped me see how a king can give beyond our wildest imaginations.

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