Thursday, September 30

Strength... what is it to you? Our burden, our load...

William Lee Payne Strength... what is it to you? Bearing your burden, or letting it go?
WHAT A QUESTION: What a wonderful young man.

I had to respond....but I hope you ask yourself the same question.

"AMAZING...I just read two days ago from Galatians 5 and 6, and thought about this: bearing one another's burdens but carrying our own load.

What does that mean? It led to an intense reaction from someone who I was trying to restore gently..., but didn't want to hear the idea. In one sense our burden is not meant to be carried alone (Jesus said His burden was light). Jesus, through our communion and our church family helps with this load. This is strength.

That said, we have a role in life, to bear our load. Who does not have difficulty? The man who is dead or asleep. Our life is not without tension, without purpose. We are not alone, but trying to escape my role (as husband or wife or worker) or entangle others could become a selfish distraction or a dangerous sin.

In forbearing much, loving much, being spit on and having our hair pulled out (Is 50:6) , we learn from and about our savior as we radiate the fragrance of His grace.

Let me know if I have missed the mark, I'd like to know."

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