Wednesday, September 16

"I led them with cords of human kindness..."

A few notes from the LifeChurch message this past Sunday by Tony Portell...

Stop bringing me your meaningless gifts;
      the incense of your offerings disgusts me!
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed.
      Defend the cause of orphans.
      Fight for the rights of widows.

Isaiah 1:13,17

Jesus Elevated service as worship
...and the second is like it:"Love your neighbor as yourself"

  • "Good deeds create good will, which opens the heart to the good news."
  • "They won't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
  • Love always takes the first step and reaches out  (harder than you think)
  • "We have to find the back door to people's hearts because the front door is so heavily guarded."  Ravi Zacharias

We serve together because...
1) We accomplish more together (Eccl 4:9-10)
2) We create momentum when we work together...covering blind spots for each other
3) Unity demonstrates the Kingdom of God (Jn 17:20-21)

"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them."
Hosea 11:4

Next steps?
1) Prayer Walk: What are barriers to tear down
2) Ask God for His ideas and strategies
3) Start small and build faith (drive thru cards and acts of kindness)

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