Saturday, July 25

Restoring Lives West: They will Know we are Christians by our Love

All I knew is that I wasn't supposed to work with my hands, but to pick up drinks snacks and be available. Just before I left a hailstorm turned into a downpour, but we ended up having a wonderfully pleasant day together with the folks from Lynhurst Baptist Church (Dave, Hope, Don and Ben) and the 25 people from Connection Point in Brownsburg (Mike, Darrell and many other REALLY hard working folks). We even had a couple of other visitors from Bluff Creek Church from Greensburg IN, who plan to return on August 18 to bgin work on the house--removing the plaster walls and work on the Kitchen.

I was really struck by the deep desire of everyone to give from a thankful heart, and how we have it set deep in us to follow Jesus to serve others, as he set an example with His disciples.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

To explain the why Restoring Lives West exists, Hope began talking about the teens. She described how important it was just to have someone pick up the phone when they had no one else to turn to. This was really more important than the food, shelter, laundry, job referral and training. However it was was important to be able to take those pains out of the way, so that others could hear the message. Not in a "preachy way", but in response to a question like "How did you get this food Hope?" or "Why are you still here when we treat you so badly Hope?". These become the springboards for the good news that they need to hear, and can finally believe, because somebody showed them love in a way that they really needed. Something we take for granted everyday.

Dave from LBC told me a story about a relative who worked in the army driving tanks, owned several farms, including large farms he cultivated around what is Park 100 today.The fellow finally moved up to live the "good life" on a farm in Lebanon, and died when his tractor rolled off the bank into a pond and pinned him underwater. Ben reminded me of the story in Luke 13:12 about the man who built bigger and bigger barns, and then his life was taken away...all this makes me think about what really matters now that I am "not over the hill, but I can see it".

Today I felt we were all receiving, giving and loving God together.

Many more Pictures of all Project Work at Restoring Lives West

Restoring Lives West

Participating Churches

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