Saturday, July 4

Restoring Lives West: July 4th

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat

A day in the life
Beatles, 1967

Do your days run together, until you forgot why you were alive?  Today I had an adventure with my friend Garry with a weapon of war that was a lot like a Star Wars light-saber.  We spent the morning clearing brush a trash and yes, even tearing out an old fence (cost me a cracked rib).

We braved poison ivy, hidden danger in the weeds, but we triumphed together just before the rains came.  It was a good day to read a section from the Wild Goose Chase (Batterson),  "We have a primal longing to be un-caged.  And the cage opens when we realize that Jesus didn't die on the cross to make us safe. Jesus died to make us dangerous". Think about what he asked the rich young ruler to do.

Here is a quick list of the cages we allow ourselves into:
1) Cage of responsibility
2) Cage of routine
3) Cage of Assumptions
4) Cage of guilt
5) Cage of Failure
6) Cage of Fear

"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Luke 18:18
much more to learn about this.....stay tuned.   :) 


  1. WOW! (hope you don't get poison ivy!) What evil meant for harm and pain, God meant for good. When I think about what evil tried to do and how God intervened, I see how God continually uses that for good. Part of that good is how your blog always touches my heart. Either as a double edged sword or the hope and encouragement for the day. Thank you again brother! I want to be dangerous.

  2. This encourages me! Laura you are a gem, and better, you ARE dangerous, a warrior.
