Friday, August 15

Waking the Dead: (The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive)





I am a slow reader, but his is one of the books I have been working on since February (I know...real slow, the important thing is I finished).  


Here is an archive a few key notes from this book that helped me see how precious our heart is our heart is to God, and how to break through.  There is a source of freedom here that builds on the idea in John 10:10...Life to the full.  This became the basis of our men's group Band Of Brothers 99, our men's group.   


I typically don't recommend books, but this is one I would recommend reading over and over again.    

I. Seeing our way clearly
8 Alert and oriented times Zero:  his understanding of the world is reduced to the fact that he exists, nothing more (perfect Storm, the Guardian).
10 The Glory of God is man fully alive (St. Irenaeus). 2 Cor 3
17 Until we come to terms with war as the context of our days we will not understand life.  We will misinterpret 90% of what is happening around us and to us.  It will be very hard to believe that God's intentions toward us are life abundant; it will be even harder not to feel that somehow we are just blowing it.
19 A way of looking at life, created by fairy tales, now ratified by mere facts, and hidden by a veil of familiarity. GK Chesterton.
25 The best stories tell here is where meaning /destiny lie
36 Above all else guard the is the wellspring of life
46 Courage...the 1st of human qualities...because it guarantees all the others (Isaiah 61:1)
  II. The Ransomed Heart
61 Death from the lie: Forgiven and on the way (Not Transformed). A shadow.
66 It has always been God's plan not just to FORGIVE you, but to RESTORE you
68 So what is the Holy of Holies?  Your Heart.
87 There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.  We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us... (Nelson Mandela)
  III. The Four Streams
100 Wisdom: We don't seek wisdom because its a good idea; we seek wisdom because we're dead if we don't.  We seek wisdom because the trail is narrow and hard to find...AND FEW find it together
124 Counseling: ...doesn't just flow to us directly from Christ...It flow through His people as well.
134 Restoration:..and I would HEAL them (Matt 13:15), that's different from forgive them, give them a place in heaven.
140 Forgiving others, and receiving forgiveness in His presence brings an undivided heart Ps 86:11-12
145 The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known. (LOR)
163 Spiritual Warfare: IF it doesn't bring freedom and it doesn't bring life, it's not Christianity
181 "Open warfare is upon you " says Aragon, "whether you would risk it or not."
  IV. The Way of the Heart:
187 Evil will hunt you.  And so a fellowship must protect you.
187 Together they train for battle, together they plan their path.
192 A group is the right size, I would guess, when each member can pray for every other member, individually and by name.   (the path is narrow, and FEW find it --together)
196 It was only through the eyes of our friends that we recovered our hearts, our true place, reality..."you remember my story for me"
199 Be kind, for everyone you know is facing a great battle. (Philo of Alexandria)
200 Community is no substitute for got..we go first to God, alone, so that we have something to bring back to the community.
218 The enemy satan wears us out to render us helpless to to others, so "Above all else guard your heart" Prov. 4:23

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