Thursday, August 21

Elom: What would it be like?

I saw a comment on Scott Himes Blog (LifeChange), and reading it, I saw a special heart. Since then I have read her blog (The Eternal Student) and been refreshed by the clarity. In my last post she offered a question: The concept of obedience, total surrender. "What would it be like?"

What a delightful way to consider the riches, and beauty and pain and LIFE and freedom and joy of a life connected so clearly to one who loves us so dearly.

Rushing water, quiet wind, running race in the woods, a special friend?

Life where the only thing that mattered was the only one who matters. No ambition, but would there be shame, loneliness, pain, sadness, fear?

Would we watch the clock, depend on lists and schedules and people. Would we be comfortable?

Would we reflect Him, bring honor to His name, heal the sick and broken hearted? Would our life matter? Would He be pleased?

Elom, Thank you for your encouragement!


  1. Brad,

    Thank you for your kind words!

    I am very thankful & humbled. I praise Him for the hope He gave each one of us, as we encourage one another on our walks.

    God is good!

  2. "What would it be like?"

    It would be very uncomfortable, and almost impossible to explain to some of the closest people in our lives.But just try to imagine the blessings!

    I think He would be very pleased. Not simply because of the good deeds resulting from our obedience, but because of our willingness to yield to Our Father, the same way His Son willfully yielded to Him.

    I need to stop now. Getting really late. Thanks again!
