Wednesday, May 5

Shine: Malachi

They seemed like a nice young couple, I had NO idea.

At church Sunday John and Marrisa sat in front of us.  They said their son was in Riley Hospital.  I found out tonight why.  His name is Malachi, and he has lived through more in his 7 months of life than most of us will ever have to endure....but he has endured.  His young parents are walking with God through the pain, the fear, the unimaginable.  Malichi, you see should not be alive according to the doctors.  He was born with:

Holes in his heart
Trachea connected to lower esophagus, upper esophagus not connected
Bilateral optic nerve colobomas. (minimal vision)
Missing thymus gland (concerning for immune deficiencies)
Underdeveloped inner ear structure (minimal if any hearing)
Severely thinned corpus callosum, and brain bleeds at the forehead

His mom wrote this.... on their blog:

" The most probable outcome is that Malachi will die of an infection before his first birthday--news that absolutely no parent is ready to hear. We have obviously gone through a roller coaster of emotions lately and have mostly been out of sorts, not really knowing how to comprehend and digest all of this." .... "Medically, there is no reason that Malachi hasn't already been attacked by a fatal infection. God has a purpose for our baby and we are completely overwhelmed with the responsibility that comes with being a steward of His child. " ...."It amazes us that people all over the world are sharing in this crazy journey with us. Your love and support are overwhelming--in the best sense of the word!"

I see faith, gratitude, glory to God. Do you?  We shine like stars in the universe (Philippians 2) without arguing or complaining, though we burn and are consumed, until there is nothing left but God.  This my friends, is Christianity.

Read more here:

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