Sunday, March 28

You made it buddy!

Last week I cheered as I saw a squirrel running across the busy street at full speed, narrowly escaping the crushing wheel of a truck.  Then he ran up the long ridge covered with beautiful hardwood trees.  "You made it buddy!" Something inside just had to turn to  God and say thanks again.

Wow, two weeks already.  The miracle move seems like yesterday.  Maybe that's because we have been unpacking and dealing with service people continuously for two weeks.  We are just now getting back in "a" groove of sorts.

The verse below came to mind as I was praying that day...and I continue to believe:

"...he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being.'"
  Acts 17:26-28

 The dramatic change for my family has caused them to seek God in a different way, and our inner movement continues.  I have been happy to see two of my daughters decide to get drivers permits and my family continue to warm towards others subtly.  I believe that small outside change in us all is just a fraction of the work that God is doing.

That said the commotion has taken a toll on my walk with God and I need to fall back more completely to depend on Him as my rest. Changing jobs, houses and phones (from iphone to blackberry) all inside the same week was a little much to "process" as my friend Rick would say....and I need to settle a bit and ponder with God the serious weeks ahead. 

I will never forget those of you who made it all possible, many who did not get their picture above...but those who brought trucks, paid gas, drove an hour or more, carried heavy furniture on with hurt backs,  knees, and tired bodies.  Your sacrifice and love was a sweet offering.  Thank you.

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