Tuesday, January 8

Draw, Drive or ReFocus?

Today I was asking God about how to respond to a situation where someone is dishonoring God, in a way that brings deep pain to my soul about my sheep, but not soft to receive His direction. At the encouragement of a friend and a brother I am considering with God...

"...where have you come from, and where are you going?" Genesis 16:8

Over the years I have struggled to care for this person who has passively resisted direct guidance toward their responsibilities. Asking God should I....

1) DRAW with humility and service, at the risk of being taken advantage of, misunderstood (Jeremiah 31:3 WOW!!! Romans 2:4)
2) DRIVE with the authority of His purposes and take the Kingdom by force (Matthew 11:12)
3) REFOCUS on more fertile ground in other relationships, where the return is more obvious (Matthew 25:14-30)

The message I receive daily from a faithful servant of God below came today...looks like at least part of the answer is that I should draw.

Walk humbly with thy God. Micah 6:8

We don't usually like feeling humble. However, God revealed His love for us, by coming to earth in human form. He showed us the most awesome act of humbleness we could ever imagine. He didn't have to do this for us - but He did. Oh what love the Father has for us.

He taught us humility. Why is it so difficult for us to humble ourselves? Is it because we are selfish? Is it because it is embarrassing? It is because the world teaches us - it's all about me? I love this quote shared by Glenna Oldham on her calendar Footprints in the Sand "Humility is no sentimental notion. It is the well-worn pathway to heaven...and also a good way to walk the earth." What a way to live and show Jesus to others. Share the gift of humility with someone today. Especially those you don't feel deserve it. God gave this gift freely, He expects us to do the same. God bless.

Here is another brother that is responding in a way that inspires me...to
love and trust and hope
